Monday, January 27, 2020

Ethical Implications Of Human Cloning Philosophy Essay

Ethical Implications Of Human Cloning Philosophy Essay Cloning has been going on in the natural world for thousands of years. A clone is simply one living thing made from another, leading to two organisms with the number of genes. In that sense, identical twins are clones, because they have identical DNA. Sometimes, plants are self-pollinated, producing seeds and eventually more plants with the same genetic code. When earthworms are cut in half, they regenerate the missing parts of their bodies, leading to two worms with the same set of genes. Any organism that reproduces asexually; produces a clone. Ever since the conception of cloning, the creation of engineered animals provided a major stepping stone for the process of cloning cells and even humans. the ability to intentionally create a clone in the animal kingdom by working on the cellular level is a very recent development. From sheep to monkeys, scientist have made great strides in the past few years in cloning mammals. The possibilities and benefits of cloning are endless, and it is a Science worth pursuing. Benefits from saving endangered animals, growing replaceable organs for humans, or even developing regenerative cells for sick humans. The Roadblock and the question to cloning is just one concern. Is it ethical? In this day and age where technology drives society, biological technology is one of the ones on the for-front. Step by step science has gotten to the point where Scientist are now capable to clone a human being. Controversy over the process is high. Many blockades are in place to limit the growth and usage of this technology due to many reasons, the main being ethical concerns from society and anti-cloning groups. Scientists believe the technology for human cloning, at least a limited type of cloning for now which is semi ethical is available. Starting small with animal or human stem cells or even pushing the boundaries, by experimenting with human reproductive biology that provides technical means for cloning humans. Many scientists who work with cloned animals say that the procedure is difficult and dangerous and unethical to try on humans. Issues ranging from encouraging the process of cloning until a successful clone is made, while discarding failed embryos. Turning human beings and clones into commodities and human rights issues for clones. Assault against gods design, etc. The issues relating to ethics are endless on topic of cloning. ( To get around these issues have led scientists to bend some rules while experimenting with the technology. Developing emerging technologies that can be directly applicable to the potential of human cloning, such as experimenting with small animals such as mice or stem cells of other animals. ( In order to make a fully justified decision on whether human cloning is ethical or not, one must be exposed to the background of the subject. To start, a clone is an exact replica of an organism, cell, or gene. The process itself is done asexually with the use of a cell from the original human. It is then placed inside a female capable of bearing a child and is then born as a clone. Along with this comes questions of whether or not it is right to clone a human being based on different facts and opinions of small groups or communities ( The technology of cloning is not quite developed enough for a doctor to be certain that an experiment will be successful. In Scotland, the first sheep was cloned and was named Dolly. It took over 250 tries before they were successful in creating the successful clone.( When this news reached the world, immediate polls showed that the majority of the world were against the idea of cloning humans. Those who support cloning research replied by saying, the public based their opinions on fallacies of the news media and misunderstandings of the process, therefore, could not comprehend the whole concept Those in favor of cloning might say it can push forward medical research. For example, with cloning technology it may be possible to learn how to replace old cells with new ones. Help fight certain diseases, etc. This could lead to a longer life for individuals. With enough research scientists could create clones to act as donors. Basically Shells of human beings with organs. Human shells without brains that can be harvested for their organs. Organs such as Hearts, lungs, livers, kidneys, etc. Some scientists even say that human cloning may eventually reverse heart attack through simple cloning methods that involve stem cells from human embryos. This accomplishment would take place by injecting healthy heart cells into damaged heart tissue. In addition, cloning could help improve psychological and human family life. For example, if a couple lost a child they loved dearly and could not reproduce naturally, cloning that child could be an alternative. In this way, the parents would have the chance to love the clone just as much as the original child. ( On the other hand, those against cloning would say that it is wrong for a doctor to harm a clone. If this were allowed, eventually we would compromise the individual. Clones would become second-class citizens. Cloning strips humanity from natural reproduction by leaving a clone with only one parent. In addition, there would be a decline in genetic diversity. In other words, if some day we all have the same genetic makeup and lose the technology of cloning, we would have to resort back to natural reproduction. This would cause problems because it has the same effect as inbreeding. In the same way, clones would feel like they had lost their individuality. For example, their genetic makeup would be known. Also, there could be negative psychological effects that will impact the family and society. For instance, if a clone finds out that he or she has no biological father it may suppress the clones feeling of equality among other naturally born people. Also, there is a chance that the mot her or the clone may become sterile. Among all of these there are too many risks for the bearing mothers and embryos. Eventually, it would turn into a routine to destroy human embryos in the process of cloning. According to Religious groups contend that cloning does not respect the fact that humans have souls and it robs clones of their humanity. God intended the power to create humans to be practiced between a man and a woman in the boundaries of marriage and natural means. Doing otherwise is going against the work of God into human hands. This means that humans lack the authority to make decisions about creating or destroying a life. In addition, humans do not have enough knowledge or power to control outcomes of certain events. However, others believe religion has no place in the debate. Atheists or agnostic argue, interpreters of the Bible cant agree on what actions God would allow to be done with justified means. In addition, Religion and religious books have limits to their validity because they do not address specific issues that need to be answered. People can say human cloning is unethical because bad means are used to achieve the goals For instance, it took scientists 277 tries to create the first cloned sheep. This means that there were hundreds of deformities before the successful specimen was created. In the same way, deformities of humans would be a result of experimentation, which would decrease the quality of life for those specific clones. Recent studies have shown, most cloned mammals tend to die early unless perfected the process is painstakingly difficult. And, even if we found a cure for a disease, lets say cancer, it would be reaching a good end through bad means. On the other hand, people for the process would say that human cloning is ethical in that the number of people who benefit from it outweighs the number of people who suffer from it. For example, cloning could be a way to help expand the length of human life, but it would cost the lives of clones who were failures in the experiment. In this way, realists and people for cloning would agree that bettering all of humanity in exchange for a small group of less fortunate people is justified. would say the act of cloning a human being is an act of human will separate from god or religion. Therefore, if an individual decided to go forward in this act, because humans have the ability to do it, it should be done. After taking into account many of the alternatives and situations of cloning, Human cloning should be supported. The effects from all of the harms that are unknown outweigh all of the good that can come from the research of cloning. Many sacrifices must be made, including possible consequences to society and civilization to accommodate this science. cloning involves too much unknown information that we would need in order to even consider it, but we cant proceed or perfect without taking the first step. If scientists had enough information to be able to clone a human without a doubt, then it might be ethical to clone. But, the social stigma would still be present; clones would be seen as inferior to naturally reproduced humans even if they were perfected copies identical to humans. Once the support of legalization of cloning or any practices is passed. Laws can also be passed to grant rights to Clones. But as of right now, if humans could be cloned without the risk of death or intent ional killing of clones for organ transplants it would be more acceptable to practice it. This would be a great start before cloning full humans. The possibilities and benefits of cloning are endless, and it shouldnt be something that should be feared. The Pros of cloning significantly outweigh the negatives of cloning, so the obstacles blocking the technology from being used should be demolished. A technology that can be of immense great use to Human civilization, shouldnt be something that is discarded.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Harriet Beecher Stowe Essay

Born â€Å"June 14, 1811†, â€Å"Harriet Beecher Stowe†, was born to â€Å"Roxana and Lyman Beecher† (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). This seventh sibling has a famous brother, â€Å"Henry Ward Beecher†, who is a leader of the â€Å"abolitionist movement† (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). She also has a sister, â€Å"Catherine Beecher† who fought for the women to be educated; she played a large role in the women’s progress in terms of education (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). In addition to that, she was married to an equally brilliant individual and popular named, â€Å"Calvin Stowe† at the age of twenty five (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). She had seven children with this co-teacher of hers (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). She attended the â€Å"Hartford Female Academy† to complete her education (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). This is the same school that her sister, â€Å"Catherine Beecher† instituted when â€Å"Harriet Beecher Stowe† was only twelve years old (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). In school, she was described as â€Å"absent-minded, moody, and weird†, however, she was also known as extremely intelligent and that she was exceedingly good in writing (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). When â€Å"Harriet Beecher Stowe† turned twenty one, she went to teach in â€Å"Cincinnati† at the â€Å"Western Female Institute†, another learning institution that her sister established (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). Together with her sister, Catherine, she wrote and published â€Å"Geography for Children† (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). This same year, she has also been awarded with for an article she wrote and published in the â€Å"Western Monthly Magazine† entitled, â€Å"New England Sketch† (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). At the age of thirty nine, she had already accomplished a book, entitled, â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin† (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). She turned extremely famous in 1851, just a year after she has written the aforementioned book (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). In addition to the aforementioned, what made her more famous is the fact that she delivered speeches with regards to oppression/slavery that occurs in the United States, as well as, in the United Kingdom (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). When some of her critics declared that the contents of â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin† was not genuine, she rose up to the challenge and wrote another book entitled, â€Å"Dred† five years after the publication of â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin† (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). While she was busy delivering speeches about slavery, she also had her writings published in a journal known as â€Å"The National Era† that even the president, â€Å"Abraham Lincoln† acknowledged her brilliance and fame by saying, â€Å"So you are the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war† (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). Back then, she was not only the â€Å"most famous† writer, she was also known to be the â€Å"highest paid† one (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896 n. p. ). She died in July 1, 1896 in Hartford, CT (Lakewood Public Library n. p. ). However, she left with so many contributions to the world of literature including the following works: â€Å"1) The Mayflower: or, Sketches of Scenes and Characters Among the Descendants of the Pilgrims; 2) Uncle Tom’s Cabin; 3) The Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin; 4) Sunny Memoirs of Foreign Lands; 5) Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp; 6) the Minister’s Wooing; 7) The Pearl of Orr’s Island; 8) Agnes of Sorrento; 9) House and Home Papers; 10) Little Foxes; 11) Religious Poems; 12) the Chimney Corner; 12) Men of our Times; 13) Old Town Folks; 14) The True Story of Lord Byron’s Life; 15) Lady Byron Vindicated; 16) Little Pussy Willow; 17) Pink and White Tyranny: A Society Novel; 18) Old Town Fireside Stories; 19) My Wife and I: or, Harry Henderson’s History; 20) Sam Lawson’s Oldtown Fireside Stories; 21) Woman in Sacred History; 22) Palmetto Leaves; 23) We and Our Neighbors; 24) Betty’s Bright Idea; 25) Captain Kidd’s Money and Other Stories; 26) Footsteps of the Master; 27) Bible Heroines; 28) Poqanuc People; 29) A Dog’s Mission; 30) The Poor Life; 31) the Writings; and 32) Regional Sketches† (Hedrick 3 – 398). Furthermore, she left with a good name (Fritz 5 – 144). The author in question played a large role as a â€Å"social reformer, philanthropist, and author†; she fought for the â€Å"African Americans† and everyone else who were victims of oppression and slavery (Fritz 5 – 144). Upon meeting slaves who were able to escape, she immediately wrote articles and actually published them; through these many people â€Å"will wake up† in the years to come (Fritz 5 – 144). If she had not started upholding such rights of the slaves and people who were oppressed, it would not have been pushed by others and slavery would still have been in its worse today (Fritz 5 – 144). During her time, the â€Å"Fugitive Slave Act† has been enacted (Fritz 5 – 144). This law made it unlawful for other individuals to help out slaves who escaped (Fritz 5 – 144). What â€Å"Harriet Beecher Stowe† did was to send a letter to a colleague and â€Å"abolitionist leader† named â€Å"Frederick Douglass† (Fritz 5 – 144). Here, she sought for an advice with regards to her articles on oppression/slavery (Fritz 5 – 144). Fortunately during this time she also had the opportunity to make her voice heard and so what she did was to discuss her writings especially with regards to slavery to help other individuals become well informed and to inspire them to help her out with her advocacies/fight (Fritz 5 – 144). On a final note, â€Å"Harriet Beecher Stowe† is a famous author who played a large role in addressing the problem on slavery in the United States and the United Kingdom through her works and delivered speeches (Fritz 5 – 144). Works Cited Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896. n. d. n. a. 18 November 2008. http://americancivilwar. com/women/hbs. html Fritz, Jean. Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher Preachers (Unforgettable Americans). NY: Putnam Juvenile, 1998. Hedrick, Joan. Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life. NY: Oxford University Press, 1995. Lakewood Public Library. Harriet Beecher Stowe. n. d. n. a. 18 November 2008. http://www. lkwdpl. org/wihohio/stow-har. htm

Friday, January 10, 2020

Drug Cartel Violence Coming Soon to America

Running head: DRUG CARTEL VIOLENCE Drug Cartel Violence Coming Soon to America Kyle R. Malin Southern New Hampshire University Abstract Drug Cartel Violence is seen nationwide on a daily basis. The gorilla like warfare has had some spill over into the United States. Due to the high demand of illicit drugs by Americans and immigrants living in America the cartels will continue to make money and do whatever it takes to get their drugs into the US. Americans will continue to suffer financially as policies are created by administrations to allow immigrants to stay.America has been founded on a principal as a land of opportunity to all. This philosophy has not changed when it comes to immigrants entering the country from Mexico. America will continue to see violence begin to spill over at alarming rates as cartels move their operations slowly into the United States. On June 3rd, 2012 five bodies were found burned to a crisp inside of a sport utility vehicle about sixty miles south of Phoe nix, Arizona in Pinal County. The bodies in the vehicle badly burned and the vehicle located in a high area for drug and human trafficking between Mexico and the United States.Bodies which were placed in the vehicle one in the front passenger seat and four more lying down in the cargo area, all clearly deceased upon the arrival of United States Border Patrol Agents. Was this an act of random violence or was it a connection to a drug trafficking organization known as a Cartel. This is just one instance of violence that has taken place in the area of Vekol Valley desert according to Pinal County Sheriff Babeu (CNN Wire Staff, 2012). Drug Cartels are making their way into the United States at an alarming rate.Their violent tactics are being seen across the border and law enforcing agencies are responding to their actions and finding the usual outcome which is violence unlike anything that has ever been seen. Historically Drug Cartels only operated in Mexico and South American Countries until the 1990’s (Federation of American Scientists, 2007). This was until the caputre of key leaders of domintate cartels in the region which, lead to an uprise for control of Mexico’s drug trade. This never ending fight has spawned violence which is broadcasted all over the media and social networking internet sites.The cartels are making it known that they will do what ever it takes to keep control of their trafficking lines and will be the most powerful cartels in Mexico and the border states of the United States. This savage gorilla style warfare will continue for years to come because the United States has a high demand for narcotics, there will always be a desire to have more money by each cartel, and the United States will always be one step behind in the fight to control the border. The United States has always been known for its large demand for illicit drugs some of the most popular being marijuana and cocaine (Center, 2010).A demand so high that 90% of coc aine used by Americans transits right through Mexico (Federation of American Scientists, 2007). Although, there is not a set standard for the amount of drugs that enter into the country the big problem is that cartels want people to purchase their drugs only. This is where the fight comes in for control of sales and distribution into the United States. Although it is a large gap the marijuna market alone in the United States accounts for 10 million dollars to 120 million dollars (PBS, 2012). This demand is what is said to be a problem in the first place.Drug sales and trafficking into the United States is big business according to these numbers. A cartel operates like a business and would not be sending large amounts of marijuna into the United States unless their was a demand for it. Drug sales are just like a Wal-Mart. Items in Walmart are only stocked on shelf based on how they are sold. So if an item is not sold Walmart does not order it any more. This is the same for the Cartel s. It is not like they are sending drugs into the United States because no one wants them. They are making a profit based on the demand of the United States.There has been much speculation about the demand of drugs from the United States with the Mexican Government (PBS, 2012). A questioning of officals from Mexico to the United States which is that of â€Å"how much are you putting into drug prevention and education to get people to quit using illicit drugs? † President Obama’s proposed budget for 2013 states that it is going to spend 41. 2% of 26 million dollars on drug prevention and treatment and the rest of that 26 million dollars will be spent on supply reduction (Smith, 2012).There is no documentation to show any changes that have been made in the budget which appears to be about a 40:60 split education to enforcement over the last few years. So it is apparent that there is no contigency to fund any more that what has already been in the budget. Although it is n ot apparent why, when so many are pushing for the drug war to stop and the United States to focus more on education and enfrocement. It really does go back to if the need and demand from the United States was not there for the drugs they would not be coming into our country and carrying out their random acts of violence.It is also apparent that the demand being so high that it will only continue to grow until the United States does something different than what they have been doing. A reduction in the demand for drugs would have effects which would be postive for everyone. There would less violence because cartels would have less to fight over and less funding to do so with. The Cartels would eventually have to find a new place to export their drugs to, if Americans would stop the incredible demand they have on the Cartels goods. The demand which is making them millions of dollars a year.Cartels will stop at no end to ensure that they are the number one controller of their area. The re are seven major cartels that control much of the mexico drug trade (US Department of Justice, 2011). These seven cartels are very organized and very eager to have their share of the action in terms of wholesale drug sales, transportation and distribution. The main cartel that seems to control much of the region is the Sinaola Cartel. This cartel has primary regions all over the United States and is the supplier of five major drugs. The cartel may have the most control but, it is more know for the numerous accounts of violence that it creates.The Sinaola Cartel is most known for a recent video posted to a social media website known as YouTube. This video shows the beheading of two of the cartels low level members. One of which was beheaded with a chainsaw and the other with a knife of some sort. In the town of Sinaola there are an average of four and a half murders a day that are related to the ongoing fued between the Zetas Cartel and the Sinaola Cartel. This battle has been ongo ing in recent years and is quoted by local residents as a modern day civil war (Wilkinson, 2012).In the wake of this violence the Zetas who are known for random acts of violence recently took the pieces and torso’s of 49 bodies and lined them along a trafficking corriodor controlled by the Sinaola Cartel. These acts of violence are all for control of the areas to move drugs into the United States. Looking into the acts and the desires for the cartels to move their products into the United States it is clear that the drive is money related. The more of the drugs that are readily available to the Americans the more money the cartels can make. In 2009 it was estimated that 21. million Americans were illicit drug users age 12 and up (US Department of Justice, 2011). This number almost 8 percent higher than the previous years report. The money made by cartels is staggering to say the least when it comes to a profit. The Sinaola Cartel can purchase a kilo of cocaine for around $200 0. 00 in Colombia or Peru and then watch it accure money as it makes it way through the wholesale line and enters into the United States (Keefe, 2012). The end result is that the same kilo will make its way into the United States and sell for $30,000. 00 or if it is cut up and distributed it could make upwards of $100,000. 0. Numbers like this are no wonder that the Cartels are fighting the way they are. People say in the world that money is the root of all evil they are very correct in saying so. The money made by the Cartels is almost far fetched when you look at how much they are estimated to make. Although no one will know the true numbers because the data is just not avaliable. The Sinaola Cartel is estimated to enjoy profit margins of an average 40% and as much as 60% earning of nearly $3 billion dollars annualy (Smith, 2012) This is just as much as say Facebook or the Netflix companies brought in in previous years.So it is now clear why the violence escalates to the point it does for control. Due to the demand of illicit drugs in the United States Cartels are risking more and more and becoming more brasen in the acts of violence they create to sercure the territory. Securing a territory is ultimately like a business move for them because it means more money. With the Cartles the more money they have the more people and weapons they can purchase to get their jobs done and bring drugs into the United States. The United States has a border with mexico that extends nearly 2000 miles long (US Border Patrol , 2012).This border is controlled in southern regions for example by nothing at all to stacked crushed cars. The Bush Administration passed a bill to erect a fence to cover the almost 2000 mile border was met with much speculation from activist groups of all kinds. The fenceing proposed by the Bush Administration to be built was met with opposition by activist groups and in all around 700 miles of fence was completed (US Border Patrol , 2012). All in effor ts to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States and make them come to America legally.Illegal immigrants are seeking refuge from a war torn country that continues to have violence and murders on a daily basis. It is estiamted that 1 in 4 foreigners live in the United States illgally. The Mexican population makes up 62% of this number according to a congressional report released in June of 2011 (Bedard, 2011). The Mexican illegal Immigrants also make up 38 percent of foreign born people in the United States (Bedard, 2011). Not forgetting that these immigrants are humans just like citizens of the United States means that they require healthcare and schooling for example.The cost for illegal immigrants in the United States is very high and shows that they are a drain on the American Economy which is already in the slums, due to the recession. Figures shown are that the average American household spends $1117 dollars a year to support illegal immigrants (Illegal Immigration Stati stics. org, 2012). 51% of Mexican immigrant households use at least one major welfare program while 28% use at least two. The largest cost to Amercians is the education of the children of illegal immigrants which is $52,000,000,000 per year (Illegal Immigration Statistics. org, 2012).With costs like these it is no wonder that there is not enough money to adequaltely support the US Border Patrol operations and have enough agents or to complete tactical infrastructure projects such as fences. Even more alarming is that the immigrants now maintain a 16% recidivism rate in the United States which means that they are tying up our court systems and taking space in our prisons (Illegal Immigration Statistics. org, 2012). The major concern is that with these costs happening and the United States footing the bill for them what are the responses from our nations leaders to it.The Obama administraiton has revceived a lot of speculation in recent months over immigration reform and the right tha t illegal immigrants will receive from the United States. The administration does have some goals which are good at heart when it comes to documenting illegal immigrants and giving them some sort of path to United States citizenship. The Obama Administration voted yes to the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, which established a guest worker program for illegal immigrants (The Washington Post, 2006).The items outlined in this reform act allowed for increased security along the borders and most importantly allowed long time illegal immigrants to gain legal status. The problem with this is that none of the workers were documented up until this point so the administration did not know who they were giving citizenship to because there was no way to complete background checks on people who did not already have paper trails to go with them. No one except for that immigrant knew where they were coming from or what baggae from across the border they brought with them.This immigra tion reform act meant that immigrants could eventually become legal and stay in the United States. The realism of this is that there is no documentation avaliable to show how many of these immigrants have ties to Cartels. With the wide spread network that the Cartels have through out the United States already it is only a matter of time before states other than those that border Mexico begin to see unpreceneted violence. With the recent refroms that the Obama Administration has made it is no wonder that the cartels are sending foot soldiers out to set up shop within the United States.Cartels currently operate in 1,286 United States cities such as a rural eastern North Carolina community known as Ivanhoe (McLaughlin, 2012). In this community which is just outside of Wilmington North Carolina a recent raid was made were Drug Enforcement Adminstration agents seized 2400 marijuana plants that were being grown on someones property. This grow site included â€Å"migrant workers† wh o were tied back to the cartels. DEA supervisory agent Franklin in Wilmington North Carolina noted that this case is one of a growing list of cartel-linked busts that are being seen in this state (McLaughlin, 2012).Franklin states in his interview that cartels are using already set up latino communities as cover to set up shop. At this point in time the DEA and other agencies do not believe that the violence seen in such places as Juarez Mexcio will erupt in the United States (McLaughlin, 2012). Mostly because the cartels operate like a business or franchise and they set up shop to make money. If the cartels act violently on United States soil they know that law enforcement here are more swift than Mexican Law Enforcement.There have been numoerous kidnappings and beheadings on United States soil already but, nothing in comparison to the violence that happens regulary in Mexico. It is said that violence in Juarez is business and the same violence in the US is bad for business (McLaug hlin, 2012). With the swift action taken by cartels for those that betray them or are agaisnt them it is only a matter of time before the violence will erupt in America much like it does in Mexico. This is because those who run from the cartels are some of the illegal immigrants that America is allowing in.In the long run the Americans will still suffer because the United States does not have a proactive apporoach to the situation that is fastly growing out of control. Reform bills and new immigration laws are nothing more than knee jerk reactions that will just keep America further behind and cost the country trillions of dollars in the end. As long as Americans keep the demand for illicit drugs on the rise the violence will continue to erupt. Weather on our soil or Mexican Soil there will continue to be violence of an unprecendeted amount.With much speculation that the Mexican government will collapse it is apparent that the United States Joint Operating Enviroment feels the same way. In a report released in 2008 the JOE released statements comparing Mexico to Pakistan and stated that the two countries would have a sudden and rapid collapse in the near future (Joint Operating Enviroment, 2008). Once the country completely goes into civil war over the drug trade it will only be a matter of time before there is an influx of migrants trying to make their way to the United States for refuge.Once this happens you can believe that the violence will carry over into the United States. This violence already being seen in small doses already will be like nothing that Americans have seen before. This is most cases people feel as if the violence could be gone if we kept the immigrants out. If immigrants were not taken care of and America was not spending so much money on them it would be practical to have increased border protection and aid in the recoverey of the defecit that has already been created.The United States however, is the land of oppurtunity and everyone wh o is hear with the excepction of American Indians are really immigrants or come from an immigrant background. The country was based on helping those who wished to have future in a free democracy. These principals are not forgotten and this is why there is not and will not be a great illegal immigrant round up and mass deportation. As long as the phlisophy is supported you will continue to see immigrants coming to our country illegal or legal.Some of those who will continue to bring with them ties to cartels and for that matter users of illicit drugs. The violence will continue as more and more drugs are pushed into the United States due to demand. The premise of which cartel is stronger will be funded by the money the drugs are purcahsed with. Most importantly the United States will be one step behind as politics and personal agendas get in the way of what is really important. Americans will begin to see more and more of the violence make its way onto our soil as more and more immig rants seek refuge from the cartels.References Bedard, P. (2011, June 15). Report: Most Illegal Immigrants Come From Mexico. Retrieved August 13, 2012, from US News: http://www. usnews. com/news/washington-whispers/articles/2011/06/15/report-most-illegal-immigrants-come-from-mexico Center, G. P. (2010, November). Drug Recognition Expert. Forsyth, Georiga, United States of America: GPSTC. CNN Wire Staff. (2012, June 3). Officer. com. Retrieved August 18, 2012, from Officer. com: http://www. officer. com/news/10724801/border-patrol-finds-5-bodies-in-burned-out-suv-in-ariz Federation of American Scientists. (2007, October 16).Mexico's Drug Cartels. Retrieved August 18, 2012, from Mexicos Drug Cartels: http://www. fas. org/sgp/crs/row/RL34215. pdf Illegal Immigration Statistics. org. (2012, July 18). Illegal Immigration Statistics . Retrieved August 19, 2012, from Statistics: http://www. illegalimmigrationstatistics. org/ Joint Operating Enviroment. (2008). Joint Operating Enviroment. Re trieved August 2, 2012, from United States Joint Forces Command: http://www. jfcom. mil/newslink/storyarchive/2008/JOE2008. pdf Kefe, P. R. (2012, June 15). Cocaine Industry. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from New York Times:

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Resolutions For Amending The Constitution On Election Of...

Resolutions for amending the Constitution on Election of the President, 1800. (Gilder Lehrman Collection) Nasty political mud-slinging. Campaign attacks and counterattacks. Personal insults. Outrageous newspaper invective. Dire predictions of warfare and national collapse. Innovative new forms of politicking capitalizing on a growing technology. As much as this seems to describe our present-day presidential contests, it actually describes an election more than two hundred years past. The presidential election of 1800 was an angry, dirty, crisis-ridden contest that seemed to threaten the nation’s very survival. A bitter partisan battle between Federalist John Adams and Republican Thomas Jefferson, it produced a tie between Jefferson and his Republican running mate, Aaron Burr; a deadlock in the House where the tie had to be broken; an outburst of intrigue and suspicion as Federalists struggled to determine a course of action; Jefferson’s election; and Burr’s eventual downfall. The unfolding of this crisis tested the new nation’s durability. The deadlock in the House revealed a constitutional defect. It also pushed partisan rivalry to an extreme, inspiring a host of creative and far-reaching electoral ploys. As a sense of crisis built, there was even talk of disunion and civil war, and indeed, two states began to organize their militias to seize the government if Jefferson did not prevail. Oddly enough, this pivotal election has received relatively little scholarlyShow MoreRelatedThe Resolved Issue Of The Constitution Essay1457 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Constitution. Over the duration of conducting research the overlay of the essay will be describing the major benefit of the U.S Constitution. While several issues have been unresolved by the U.S Constitution such as the issues of the Articles of Confederation. 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